Library Card, Uni Siegen App and USiCard

Applying for Library Use

Please hand in your application at one of our circulation desks (near the library entrances) together with a valid identity card or a valid passport (together with an official registration of residence). If you are studying at the University of Siegen, we will also check your electronic student ID in the Uni Siegen App or require a current certificate of enrollment, possibly with your USiCard.

An application can also be made by e-mail:
Please fill in the application form for the library card / activation of the Uni Siegen App or USiCard for library use on the screen, print it out, sign it and scan it together with:
- a copy of your valid identity card (front and back),
- a copy of your certificate of enrolment for the current semester and
- maybe your USiCard (front and back).
Please send it to:
You will be informed by e-mail reply when the library card can be collected/the library function of your Uni Siegen App/USiCard was activated.

When the library function is activated in the University of Siegen App, a previous USiCard/library card becomes invalid! In principle, only one option can be used.

Please be sure to save the "My list" from the Katalog plus before you apply for activation of your Uni Siegen App/USiCard for library use or for a new library card in case of a status change.

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Receiving your Library Card

You can pick up your library card at the circulation desk in the Main Library Adolf-Reichwein-Straße (AR).
If you applied for a library card at the Branch Library Unteres Schloß, you can pick it up 2-3 days later at the information and circulation desk of the Branch Library Unteres Schloss.

Please pick up your library card in person by presenting your identity card.

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Validity of your Library Card

For students of the University of Siegen the validity of the library card or the library function of the Uni Siegn App/USiCard ends with the removal of the students name from the university register.
Further information on exmatriculation can be found here: 

For University staff validity ends with termination of the contract of employment. Please inform us about renewal or extension of your contract of employment when applying for an extension of validity for your library card.

For non-university library users validity ends when no library loan services have been exercised within two consecutive calendar years.

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Changing your Address or e-Mail Address

In your own interest, please inform the University library about changes of address or e-mail address as soon as possible.
Non-compliance resulting in financial expenses and / or drawbacks will have to be borne by you.

Students of the University of Siegen must notify the Student Service Center (SSC) directly of any change of their address in addition to notifying the library.

Changes of address/e-mail-address can be communicated to the library via "Change of address".

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Loss of your Library Card

Please inform us as soon as possible about having lost your library card / your USiCard in order to prevent abuse. Register your loss at one of our circulation desks. Your library card will be barred from use immediately until further notice. You will be held responsible for any abuse of your card before registering the loss at one of our circulation desks. A replacement library card can be issued on demand against payment of a fee.

If you lose your smartphone, you should change your ZIMT password immediately to prevent any misuse of the Uni Siegen App with your digital library card.

Students of the University of Siegen should contact directly the Student Service Center (SSC) if the USiCard is lost.
Please note that a replacement USiCard will no longer be issued. 

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Barring the Library Card from Use

The library card or the function for library use of your Uni Siegen App/USiCard may be barred because of following reasons:

  • The loss / theft of the library card / the USiCard was reported:
    The blocking of the library account can be reversed by presenting the library card at one of the circulation desks. Please also present your identity card. A replacement library card can be issued on demand against payment of a fee.
    Please note that a replacement USiCard will no longer be issued.
  • Notifications / e-mails send from the library couldn't be delivered:
    Please inform the library about all changes of your address or e-mail address via your library account.
  • The lending period of one of the borrowed media has been exceeded for more than 30 days:
    Please return that item immediately and pay the overdue fines, in case of loss of the item complete the form on loss statement.
  • Pending charges have not been paid:
    After paying the charges the blocking of the library account will be reversed.
  • Handling fees for interlibrary loan orders have not been paid within 4 weeks after ordering:
    Please pay the amount due at one of the circulation desks. The handling fee is due irrespective of fulfillment of the interlibrary loan order.
  • The validity of your library card ended (University staff of University of Siegen):
    Please inform us about renewal or extension of your contract of employment by using the application form for an extension of the validity of the library card or apply for a library card for non-university users.
  • You missed the enrolment deadline for the following semester:
    Please present copy of your certificate of enrolment at one of the circulation desks for a release of your library account or apply for a library card for non-university users.

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