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Citavi consulting hour

You have very special questions to Citavi? Pleae make an appointment for your digital consulting hour:



Due to illness, the Main Library AR closes today at 7 pm

Our Citavi licence was extended for another three years! You can find further information in the BibBlog


Citavi is a software for literature management and knowledge organization which additionally supports you when writing scientific texts and with project management.

The program offers these funcions:

  • Record literature data manually and automated.
  • Searching library catalogues and partly literature databases.
  • Explore and organize literature thematically.
  • Collect and index exzerpts, notes, citations, own thoughts sophisticatedly.
  • Integrate, view and edit pdf-files.
  • Integrate citations and literature references in a desired citation style.
  • Automatically create a literature list.

 Please note:

Download, installation and licensing (campus license)

Citavi is a windows-based system. As a member of Siegen University you can get a full licence for Citavi.

For using the campus license you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Install Citavi in der version Citavi 6, if you haven't done so already. Users of LibreOffice or OpenOffice have to choose the version 5 (here: Citavi 5.7).
  2. Then choose the name of your university on this list. You will reach a form, where you can register for a Citavi account. Follow the instructions.
  3. Then open Citavi. You are prompted for a login. If not: Choose the login symbol in the start window.
  4. Enter your Citavi account information. Citavi gets the license information from your account and transfers it automatically.

Information for licensing Citavi 5 can be found here.

Information for extending the licence can be found here.

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