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Help to make a Reservation of a Group Study Room

For a reservation, two users (user 1, user 2) must log in with their ZIMT-ID and password. At least 1 user must have a student ZIMT-ID (g0...).

1. Prebooking:
User 1 logs in, clicks on a free plan segment, selects the exact booking time and enters the ZIMT-ID of user 2 (without:

2. Reservation:
User 2 logs in, clicks on the reserved plan segment and converts the prebooking into a reservation via 'Confirm reservation'.

3. Cancellation:
User 1 or User 2 logs in, clicks on the plan segment marked as reserved and deletes the reservation.

4. Proof of reservation:
In principle, the group workrooms can also be used without prior reservation. However, reservations have priority. Click on the booked plan segment and then on 'Print receipt' to be able to prove the reservation on site.

5. Rules:

  • Reservations can only be made by users of Siegen University Library with an active student ZIMT-ID (g0...).
  • A reservation expires if it has not been converted into a reservation on the day before the appointment at the latest.
  • A reservation expires if it has not been taken at the latest 30 min. after the start of the reservation. The room can then be used by others.
  • Each user can make three reservations per calendar week.
  • Each user can make one reservation per day.
  • A group study room can be reserved for a maximum of four hours.
  • Group study rooms can be booked a maximum of 14 days in advance.
