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Central Information
Main Library Adolf-Reichwein-Straße

Tel.: 0271/740-4203

A-Z: R

Due to the public holiday All Saints' Day, all locations of the University Library
will be closed on Friday, November 01st, 2024.


Regulations for the use of lockers and wardrobes (in German)
Renewal of the loan period
Reservation of a study room for groups (in German)
Reserve collections

Return machine
In the Main Library Adolf-Reichwein-Straße (AR) and in the Branch Library Unteres Schloss (US) return machines are available for returning borrowed media. The return machine in the Main Library AR is accessible 24/7, i.e. also when the library is closed.
Please place each item individually into the opening of the machine. A receipt for the returned media can be printed out at the end.
If media are not accepted by the machine, please contact the circulation desk.

Returning media
see: Information on circulation
Returning media by post

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