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FAQ: Interlibray Loan

Which titles can I order via interlibrary loan?

Interlibrary loan allows you to order literature that is not available in the University Library of Siegen from other libraries.

Please note that not all titles can be delivered via interlibrary loan. You will find further information on this in the information on interlibrary loan.

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How can I place an interlibrary loan order?

You can place interlibrary loan requests yourself electronically from any PC:

Please note the information on interlibrary loan. Here you will also find brief instructions on how to place interlibrary loan orders.

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How much does an interlibrary loan cost?

An interlibrary loan order costs 1.50 Euro. This handling fee will be charged to your library account. The fee will also be charged if the order cannot be fulfilled. Interlibrary loan requests are currently free of charge for university staff with the appropriate library card.

You can indicate in the terms of delivery the amount of additional costs you are willing to pay. Additional costs may arise, for example, if an essay consists of more than 20 pages or if a title is to be ordered by way of international interlibrary loan.

Please note that if you have not provided an e-mail address, you will be charged additional postage for notification by post.

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How long does an interlibrary loan order take?

Delivery times vary greatly. Please assume an average duration of about 1-2 weeks.
However, delivery times can also be considerably shorter or longer.

Delivery times from abroad are usually much longer.

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How do I find out that an interlibrary loan book has arrived for me?

You will be notified as soon as the book or copies you ordered have arrived.

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How long will an incoming interlibrary loan delivery be available for me?

For delivered interlibrary loan media, the period of availability is 10 days from the arrival of the interlibrary loan delivery at the library.

Orders for articles are delivered electronically if there are no legal licensing requirements to the contrary. This means that you will receive a server-generated e-mail from the Landesbibliothekszentrum NRW ( with a link to a PDF file that you can retrieve within 30 days.
Orders for articles that cannot be delivered as PDF files for licensing reasons can be obtained as paper copies at the circulation desk of the Main Library, Adolf-Reichwein-Straße (AR).

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How long can I keep the literature received via interlibrary loan?

The loan period for books and media that must be returned is set by the sending library and can be seen on the booking slip or in your library account.

The loan period begins with the delivery of the book, not with the lending.

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Can I renew books ordered via interlibrary loan?

Renewals are possible if the owning library allows it.

Please contact the interlibrary loan department and bring your library card, the media to be renewed and the pink interlibrary loan vouchers with you.

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