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FAQ: General Informations

When ist the library open?

You can find information about the opening hours of the University Library on our homepage. Current changes (e.g. restricted opening of the library on public holidays) are also displayed there.

Borrowing and returning of media and also extending the loan period (except inter-library-loan) is possible throughout our opening hours.

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Who can use the library?

In general, anyone interested over the age of 16 can use the library and apply for a library card. However, minors under the age of 18 require a declaration of consent of their parents or legal guardians. The library card is required to use electronic services within the library and to borrow media.

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How much does it cost to use the library?

The use of the library is generally free of charge. However, the use of special services is subject to charges. Fees, charges and refundable expenses are charged in accordance with  the University Library's scale of fees and charges.

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How can I use the lockers?

The lockers in the Main Library AR and Branch Library US can be used with library locker cards or the previous ZIMT prepaid cards.

Locker cards from the University Library can be purchased at the Main Library AR and Branch Library US to use the lockers.

Lockers in Branch Library H can be used with a €1 / €2 deposit.

In the Branch Library PB and the Branch Library ENC, locker keys are issued for a ID card deposit.

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How can I request the purchase of media?

Please use our order form purchase suggestion for books. If you enter your library card number here, the title can be reserved for you. You will be notified as soon as you can borrow it.

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What do I have to do to prepare for de-registration from the University of Siegen?

This request for de-registration you will find in the “Formularcenter” of the University.

Please note that the basis for the student library card or the activation of your USiCard for library use no longer applies when you are de-registered. If you would like to continue using the library, please apply for a library card for non-university library users. Check the box "change of user status" and enter the previous library card number.
Please do not give your student e-mail address, as this will no longer be valid after de-registration.


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How can I reserve a group study room in the library?

The group study rooms available in the library can be reserved online. Depending on which room you would like to reserve, please call either the reservation system for the Main Library Adolf-Reichwein-Straße (AR), the reservation system for the Branch Library Paul-Bonatz-Straße (PB) and Branch Library Hölderlinstraße (H) or the reservation system for the Branch Library Unteres Schloss (US).

You have to log in to use the system. The reservation must be confirmed by a second user. Detailed instructions and the rules for booking a group study room can be found on the reservation system page.


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