Katalog plus
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Special Locations


For various reasons (age, format, content) some media are kept in the stacks of the library which are not open to access for library users.
Media kept in the stacks can usually be ordered from the Katalog plus (via the button "Orderable" after log in). If the link is missing you can place your order using the order form from the library.

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Media Collection

Audio-visual media, CD-ROMs, DVDs, videos or cassettes are kept in the media collection which is not open to access for library users.

Media kept in the media collection can usually be ordered from the Katalog plus (via the button "Orderable" after log in). If the link is missing you can place your order using the order form from the library.

The media are available within 3 working days. Please note the "Request status" within your library account in the library catalogue, account section "Orders". Media are put aside for you for a maximum of 10 days.

In the branch libraries (call number starts with: 74, 78, 80, 82, 84) please refer to the staff members at circulation desks.

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Microfilm and Microfiche Collection

A large collection of documents on microfilm (especially newspapers) and microfiche (e.g. biographic archives, Library of German Literature) is part of the University Library’s collection. 

Microfilms and microfiches can usually be ordered from the Katalog plus (via the button "Orderable" after log in). If the link is missing you can place your order using the order form from the library.

Microfilms and microfiches are available within 3 working days. Please note the "Request status" within your library account in the library catalogue, account section "Orders". Microfilms and microfiches are put aside for you for a maximum of 10 days.

A special reading apparatus (Reader-printer/Film-scanner) is available to use microfilms and microfiches. This apparatus can produce scans which can be saved on a memory stick and can be printed out against a fee via the printing system. Please bring your own memory stick.

Please make an appointment for using the apparatus.

If you only want to use the microfiches and do not require print-outs you can also address the staff members.

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Media Available Online

A direct link to a full text is available via the Katalog plus for all media available online. Please note that access to electronic media is subject to the licence agreements and may only be used within the campus computer networks or via the VPN client.

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Reserve Collections

In the reserve collection lecturers can put together a collection of literature for their courses.
In the Katalog plus books which can be found in a reserve collection have the status "Reserve collection".

Books from the reserve collection can be used only within the library.

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