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Dissertations (doctoral theses)

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the Branch Library Emmy Noether Campus (ENC) will be closed due to illness. We ask for your understanding.

Please note that the submission of printed dissertations and documents is only possible by prior arrangement (

The Team Publication Support of the University Library receives all dissertations of the University of Siegen within the scope of its publication obligation and issues the receipt necessary for the receipt of the doctoral certificate. The university library follows the respective doctoral regulations of the faculties with regard to the required copies of dissertations.

Please note:

  • Dissertations may not be published until the oral examination has been passed and permission to print has been obtained.
  • In the case of a cumulative dissertation, the author must always check with each publisher whether it is possible to publish the respective articles again.
  • For data protection reasons, personal data such as date and place of birth or curriculum vitae must not be part of the electronic version.
  • In addition to the electronic version, you also need to submit printed copies of your dissertation (this does not apply to doctoral candidates of faculty III). Please refer to your respective doctoral regulations for the exact number.
  • Please get the required copies printed from the PDF file. This will help avoiding formatting differences between the printed and electronic versions (no deviations in line and page breaks), so that the consistency of both documents is maintained.
  • It is recommended to first submit the PDF via Opus and wait for a short feedback from us, before submitting the PDF for printing.
  • For permanent archiving, the printed copies must be printed two-sided, on aging-resistant, wood-free and acid-free paper. Please get colored graphics/illustrations printed in color.
  • For durability reasons, we cannot accept the following bindings as "permanently durable": ring binding and all binding methods using metal or plastic parts.
  • In the case of an ongoing patent process, the publication can be deferred for 24 months upon request. After checking the formal requirements, the acknowledgement of receipt will be issued to you before publication.


Checklist for submission

Files: 1 electronic version as PDF

Please make sure not to use any Type3 fonts and that all fonts are embedded (check 'properties' in the PDF). Please submit your document via OPUS.

Printed copies

Please refer to your applicable doctoral regulations for the number of printed copies to be submitted. IMPORTANT: Printing the final PDF file guarantees that the formatting of printed and electronic versions is identical!

