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ORCID profile and link in OPUS

An ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a sixteen-digit unique identification number for authors assigned by the ORCID organization. Author profiles can be accessed via the respective web address (with ORCID number).

Advantages of an ORCID profile for researchers:

  • Clear attribution of scientific publications to the respective authors
  • Permanent representation of scientific profiles, independent of institutional affiliation and other changing indicators
  • Requirement of numerous publishers and funding agencies
  • widely available and used, open and free of charge

Authors who have an ORCID profile can have their publications linked to their profile (e.g. in OPUS Siegen). To do this, the author must first give permission in her or his ORCID profile. Afterwards, the publication submitted for publication in OPUS can be linked to the ORCID profile of the author. Likewise, authors can link their OPUS profile to their existing ORCID profile or create an ORCID profile after logging in to OPUS.

It is also possible to log in to OPUS using your ORCID. This option can be found under the login type "Enter username and password".

If you have further questions about ORCID and ORCID links, please feel free to contact the Team Publication Support.

Further information on ORCID can also be found at:
