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Recommendations of the University Library

Safeguarding your own rights

For the purposes of the Open Access Principle, be farsighted with your copyright by:

  • choosing Open Access journals for publishing your articles,

  • keeping the simple right of use for public access in the publishing contract when publishing your document in commercial journals, and by not transferring any exclusive rights to the publisher
  • agreeing on a blocking period between two and a maximum of twelve months, provided that the publisher insists on such a period

The rights of use for your publications can be safeguarded by the following attachment to the publication contract; this has been prepared by the European Commission:

Addition to the publication contract

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Granting a Creative Commons License

In order to allow broadest dissemination for your publication, we recommend that you clearly inform third parties about the conditions under which the publication can be used by issuing a Creative Commons License.You can embedd the lisense in your publication as icon or lettering. Preferably at the reverse side of the title page or the page after it.

When licensing, a distinction must be made between commercial and non-commercial reuse.





CC BY (Attribution alone)

This license lets you

  • distribute
  • remix
  • tweak
  • build upon the original work
  • even commercially
  • as long as you credit the original creation.
  • This is the most accommodating of licenses offered.



(Attribution + Share Alike)

This license lets you

  • remix
  • tweak
  • build upon
  • the original work even for commercial purposes
  • as long as you credit the original work and license your new creations under the identical terms.
  • All new works based on the work should carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use.



(Attribution + No Derivatives)

This license allows for

  • redistribution
  • commercial
  • and non-commercial
  • as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole
  • with credit to the original work.



(Attribution + Noncommercial)

This license lets you

  • remix,
  • tweak,
  • and build upon the original work non-commercially.
  • Your new works do not have to carry the same license number 
  • can be commercial, but acknowledging the original work



(Attribution + Noncommercial +


This license lets you

  • remix
  • tweak
  • build upon the original work non-commercially
  • as long as you credit the original work
  • and license your new creations under the identical terms.



(Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives)

This license is the most restrictive of the six main licenses, only allowing you to

  • download the original work
  • and share it with others
  • as long as you credit the original work.
  • You cannot change the original work in any way nor use it commercially.


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ORCID recommendations

Only few authors can be identified by a unique name, as names can change or be subject to cultural developments. Authors’ names are often researched with great efforts in order to be able to completely determine all publications of the authors.

For this purpose, a unique person identifier provides remedy, such as the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). ORCID is an identifier for the clear identification of scientific authors.

In addition to various types of publications, scientists can use their ORCID profile to store their different name variants as well as career information, web pages, as well as their grants and awards.


The ORCID is already used by several scientific publishers, institutions and professional societies for scientific publications and offers the following advantages to scientists:

  • the clear assignment of an author to all publications (including research data),

  • the automatic generation of a publication overview by synchronization with various international databases (for example Web of Science, Scopus),
  • the linking of publications with the same ORCID by publishers - this leads to an increased visibility of the publication,

  • the simple and complete mapping of research results for interim and final reports to research sponsors via automated export option,

  • the possibility of convenient mapping of personal CV and research projects,

  • the possibility of international visibility and thus the possibility for new cooperations.

Registration with ORCID and the search for scientists are free. Scientists can log in easily via the web portal and further administer their data - their own data sovereignty is always guaranteed.

Notes for registration:

  • In the name fields, enter your complete name in the usual spelling (with umlauts, special characters like "ß" and accents, etc.), enter further spellings (umlauts spelled out and reduced to the base letter, "ss" instead of "ß", artist name, maiden name etc.) in the repeatable field "Also known as".

  • Enter the following in the field "Institution / Employer": "University Siegen: Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany".

  • In the "Department" field, insert the respective organizational unit of the University of Siegen.

  • Allow the organizations "DataCite" and "CrossRef" to automatically upload publications that have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and have their own ORCID uploaded in your ORCID profile

According to ORCID, there are already 106.762.30 active ORCID IDs. Currently more than 1100 scientific institutions are involved in ORCID  (February 2021).

Further information on ORCID can be found

  • in the flyer:
  • in the videos:

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