[Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities]
Why Publish Open Access and How to do?
![[Translate to English:] Logo Open Access [Translate to English:] Logo Open Access](/fileadmin/user_upload/grafik/oa%20publizieren/Open_Access_Logo_130x130.png)
"The Internet has fundamentally changed the practical and economic realities of distributing scientific knowledge and Cultural heritage. For the first time ever, the Internet now offers the chance to constitute a global and interactive representation of human knowledge, including cultural heritage and the guarantee of worldwide access.”
The forms of scientific work and communication have changed with the digital transformation. Scientific results are now made available both in print and increasingly in digital form over the Internet. The forms of provision as well as the conditions of use of digital information vary widely.
In order to provide scientific research results as fast as possible and free of financial, technical and legal barriers, open access publications are a future-oriented alternative to traditional publication models; they can be read, downloaded and duplicated in full text without any cost to users. The only condition is the correct quoting of authorship.
Good to know:
The international Open Access Movement results i.a. in response to the disproportionate price developments in the scientific journal market. Many libraries cannot avoid terminating a part of their magazine subscriptions, thus risking the guarantee of comprehensive literature supply. Against this background, the question must be asked, why already publicly funded research results have to be bought back with these
The University of Siegen feels obliged to the Open Access Principle and is committed to the many national and international scientific funding organizations, universities, professional societies, scientific publishers and authors. In March 2017, it adopted an Open Access Policy and signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowlwdge in Sciences and Humanities.
Advances of Open Access
Worldwide, all people without financial, legal or technical barriers can directly benefit from scientific findings through search engines, free repositories and library catalogs.
Promotion of international and interdisciplinary cooperation.
Increased degree of visibility and retrievability of scientific research results.
Increased citation frequency of the publication and thus increased reputation.
Ensuring the rights of use of the authors in their scientific work.
Definition of the rights of reproduction by the author (e.g. via CC licenses).
Control of plagiarism by simple detection, using automated techniques.
Long-term storage of scientific research results by archiving on publication servers (for example OPUS Siegen, German National Library).
The free accessibility of electronic publications can be ensured in different ways through Open Access:
First publication – Gold Open Access
This is the primary immediate publishing of a publication in an original Open Access journal with peer review or as a monograph.
The rights of use remain entirely with the author. The publisher will only be granted simple rights of use.
The publications may be completely downloaded, copied, printed and distributed.
Quality-assured Open Access journals are listed in the Directory of Open Acces Journals (DOAJ).
Quality-assured open access eBooks can be found in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) and in the Open Access Publishing Catalog in European Networks (OAPEN) zu finden.
Where applicable, Article Processing Charges (APCs) or author fees will apply once for publication, after which the article will be permanently available for free.
Refund of applicable fees via the Publication Fund of the University of Siegen in compliance with the eligibility criterias.
Second release – Green Open Access
This is the second release of a licensed publication (at the same time or with a time delay) on a professional or institutional repository (like for example OPUS Siegen, arXiv, ZENODO, etc.) after the first publication in closed access by a publisher.
The possibilities of the second publication can be checked via the publishing contract and the SHERPA/RoMEO-Liste.
Permanent archiving of the publication is ensured through the repositories.
Good to know:
Since 2014, a statutory secondary exploitation right applies to publications (§ 38(4) UrhG ) which are published in the course of research which has at least half public funding. Accordingly, journal articles may be published in the manuscript version 12 months after the first publication
Open Access for an additional charge - Hybrid Publishing
When choosing "open choice" or "open content" in subscription journals, authors are offered the opportunity to make the publication available in Open Access for a fee.
There are double costs for this path. On the one hand for the library that finances the print subscription, on the other hand for the author who pays Article Processing Charges (APCs) for the Open Access publication
Article processing fees are often higher for hybrid magazines than for pure Open Access journals.