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Funding Opportunities

Open Access Publishing Fund for articles in journals

The University of Siegen supports its scientists in publishing their research results in Open Access journals by providing an Open Access Publication Fund for the reimbursement of article processing charges to authors.

Until 2019, the Publication Fund of the University of Siegen was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of its "Open Access Publishing" funding programme. In the years 2020 – 2022 the Publication Fund has been supported by funds of the University Library. For 2023 – 2025 it was possible for the University Library to obtain funding from the DFG funding programme "Open Access Publication Funding".

Funding is only possible by comply with the funding conditions. The invoice must first be paid by own funds of the university institute, after that an reimbursement of the costs up to the amount of the funding can be requested.

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Open Access Publishing Fund for monographs

The University Library set up a fund for Open Access monographs and miscellanies for authors or editors of the University of Siegen. Authors and editors can be supported by a grant towards Open Access publication fees. Funding for fees on printed editions is not possible.

Within the scope of the DFG funding programme "Open Access Publication Funding" funding is only possible for publications, which were created in context of a DFG grant.

Funding is only possible by comply with the funding conditions. The invoice must first be paid by own funds of the university institute, after that an reimbursement of the costs up to the amount of the funding can be requested.

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Apply for a grant from the Open Access Publishing Funds


  1. Check in advance whether the eligibility criteria for articles / monographs are met.

  2. Commissioning and paying for OA publications is a procurement process („Vergabe“), and the specifications for the procurement process („Beschaffungsprozess“) must be complied with. You can find information on the Beschaffung-Serviceportal of the Department 1.3.

  3. For the indication of affiliation, follow the requirements of the university's publication guidelines as well as the change order of the publication guidelines (in German, concerns only faculty I).

  4. Upload the publication on the Open Access Repository OPUS Siegen in the collection "Geförderte Open-Access-Publikationen". You can find support here or by contacting the Team Publication Support - -.

  5. Please fill in the digital application-PDF for articles / monographs. An image upload of your own signature is considered equivalent to the wet ink signature).

  6. Send the application form and the paid invoice for (Open Access) publication fees by e-mail to:


Required information on invoices for publication fees:

  • Recipient of invoice: "submitting / corresponding author" at his office at university
  • Invoicing party (= publisher)
  • Invoice item (= article/monograph)
  • Publication medium
  • Date of invoice
  • Invoice or order number
  • For invoices from abroad (EU countries and third countries): Net invoice stating the VAT identification number of the University of Siegen (tax ID number: DE 154854171) and the tax ID number of the publishing house.

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List of funded publications

Publications funded by UB Siegen through the Open Access Publication Funds are publicly available on the repository OPUS Siegen. An overview of the funded publications can be found here.

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Discount on publication fees

The University of Siegen takes part in different consortia and programmes, and can thus offer discounts on article processing charges of different publishers. These discounts range from reduced APCs to the publication of a certain number of articles without costs. The following not exhaustive table provides an overview of the discounts.

For further information feel free to contact the Open-Access-Team via


publisher / consortium    Term until

Discounts for authors

AIP Publishing


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in specific hybrid journals


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in 9 hybrid journals of the American Physical Society (APS)

Cambridge University Press


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in hybrid journals and Gold Open Access journals



Central absorption of costs of the APCs in 86 hybrid journals of the Humanities and Social Sciences, elimination of embargo periods for OA publications via the Green Path (second publication) for 74 journals. 20% discount on APCs of Gold Open Access journals.

Elsevier (DEAL)


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in hybrid journals, 20 % discount on APCs of Gold Open Access journals, 15 % Discount on the Gold Open Access journals of Cell Press and The Lancet (invoice processing via University Library)*



Central absorption of costs of the APCs of Gold Open Access journals



Central absorption of costs of the APCs of the Psyjournals, 25% discount on APCs of Gold Open Access journals

IOP Publishing


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in 53 hybrid journals and 23 Gold Open Access journals



15 % discount on all APCs



Central absorption of costs of the APCs in 4 hybrid journals and 6 Gold Open Access journals



Central absorption of costs of the APCs of all hybrid journals and Gold Open Access journals



Central absorption of costs of the APCs in hybrid journals, 20 % discount on APCs of Gold Open Access journals, embargo period of one year for Open Access publications via green Open Access (second publication)

Science (AAAS)


15 % discount on APCs of Gold Open Access journal “Science Advances”



Central absorption of costs of the APCs in specific hybrid journals in the subject of physics (see below)

Springer „Nature Journals“


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in the hybrid Nature Journals, except of Nature Review Journals and Nature Protocols

Springer (DEAL)


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in hybrid journals, 20% discount on APCs in the Gold Open Access journals of SpringerOpen and BioMed Central (invoice processing via University Library)*

Taylor & Francis


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in hybrid journals, 15 % discount on APCs of Gold Open Access journals (invoice processing via University Library)*

Wiley (DEAL)


Central absorption of costs of the APCs in hybrid journals, 20 % discount on APCs of Gold Open Access journals (invoice processing via University Library)*

* For the APCs in this Gold Open Access journals the University Library will take over the invoice processing, and grants 700 € via the Open Access Publication Funds. For the remaining part of the costs the University Library needs your “Kostenstelle“ and PSP-Element. In this case please contact the Open-Access-Team:



With the participation in the project DEAL, authors of the University of Siegen are able to publish articles open access in the hybrid journals of the publishers Elsevier, Springer Nature, and Wiley. Publication charges will be covered centralized by the University Library. There are discounts on the publication charges in Gold Open Access Journals, support can be granted via the Open Access Publication Fonds. Please contact the Open Access team at



The University of Siegen is a member of the „Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics – Deutsche Hochschulen”:  Scoap³-DH. Therefore, within the period of 2025 - 2027, members of the University of Siegen in the field of high energy physics have the opportunity to publish their research results free of charge in the following open access journals of the consortium:




Acta Physica Polonica B (APPB)

Jagiellonian University

Advances in High Energy Physics (AHEP)


The European Physical Journal C (EPJC)

The Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP)


Nuclear Physics B (NPB)

Physics Letters B (PLB)


Physical Review C (PRC)

Physical Review D (PRD)

Physical Review Letters (PRL)

APS Physics

Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP)

Oxford Academic

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Funding conditions of research funders


The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) requests to publish the research results of funded projects open access. Funds for publication fees up to the amount of EUR 750, - per year can be applied for within the general application process. Within a more flexible funding, the funds for publication fees can be increased by funds for staff or equipment. Funding for publication fees only is not possible. Further information can be found on the web pages of the DFG.

ERC - Horizon Europe

For funded projects, the European Research Council (ERC) requires the publication of the results in scientific publications with peer review in open access. In this context, publication of the published version via a repository is mandatory at the latest at the time of publication. Publications must be available in open access from the time of publication, regardless of the publication channel. For Gold Open Access publications in journals, books or on platforms, costs such as APCs, BPCs, but also other publication costs such as color charges or page charges are eligible for funding if these costs are incurred within the project period and conform to the other funding conditions of the program. Costs for articles in hybrid journals or for books of which only individual chapters are published in open access are not eligible for funding.
