Datenbestände Katalog plus

Reiter "Katalog"

Der Reiter Katalog entspricht dem alten Bibliothekskatalog. Hier finden Sie Treffer aus den Beständen der Universitätsbibliothek. Dies sind i. d. R. sogenannte selbstständige Publikationen, d. h. Bücher und Zeitschriften sowie von der Bibliothek erworbene eBooks und lizenzierte eJournals.

Reiter "Aufsätze und mehr"

Der Reiter „Aufsätze und mehr“ ist das eigentliche Novum des Katalog Plus. Hier finden Sie Treffer aus den umfangreichen Datenbeständen und damit insbesondere sogenannte unselbständige Publikationen wie Aufsätze aus Zeitschriften, einzelne Kapitel aus Büchern oder Beiträge aus Sammelwerken.
Die Datenbestände die unterhalb von "Aufsätze und mehr" durchsucht werden, finden Sie hier in alphabetischer Reihenfolge aufgelistet:

  • Academic Search Index (asx)
  • ACM Full-Text Collection (edscma)
  • Adam Matthew Digital (edsamd)
  • AGRIS (edsagr)
  • Alexander Street Press (edsasp)
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 3 (h9j)
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 1 (h9h)
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 2 (h9i)
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 4 (h9k)
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 5 (h9m)
  • APA PsycArticles (pdh)
  • APA PsycInfo (psyh)
  • Aphasiology Archive (edsupa)
  • Archive of European Integration (edsupe)
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index (edswah)
  • arXiv (edsarx)
  • ATLA Religion Database (reh)
  • BASE (edsbas)
  • BDSL (Bibliographie der Deutschen Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft) (edsbds)
  • Biodiversity Heritage Library (edsbhl)
  • BioOne Online Journals (edsbio)
  • BLLDB (Bibliography of Linguistic Lit/Bibliographie Linguistischer Lit) (edsbll)
  • Brill Online Primary Source (edsbps)
  • Brill Online Reference Works (edsbrw)
  • British Library EThOS (edsble)
  • Business Source Ultimate (bsu)
  • Cambridge Core Books (edsupo)
  • (edscrn)
  • ChemIDplus (edscdp)
  • ChemSpider (edschs)
  • Classiques Garnier Numerique: Dictionnaires, Grammaires et Encyclopédies (edscgd)
  • Classiques Garnier Numerique: Littérature Française et Francophone (edscgf)
  • Classiques Garnier Numerique: Patrologia Graeca (edspga)
  • CogPrints (edscog)
  • Complementary Index (edb)
  • dblp computer science bibliography (edsdbl)
  • De Gruyter Online (edsdej)
  • DEHESA (edsdeh)
  • Digital Library of the Caribbean (edsloc)   
  • DigiZeitschriften (edsdzs)
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (edsdoj)
  • eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) (nlebk)
  • eBook Index (edsebk)
  • eHRAF World Cultures (edsewc)
  • E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science) (edseli)
  • Encyclopedia of the Bible and its ReceptiOn Online (edsebr)
  • E-periodica (edsret)
  • ERIC (eric)
  • eScholarship (edssch)
  • EU Bookshop (edseub)
  • European Union Open Data Portal (edseou)
  • FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Educati Index) (edsfis)
  • Gale Archives Unbound (edsgau)
  • Gale eBooks (edsgvr)
  • GBV Online Contents (edsgoc)
  • Government Printing Office Catalog (edsgpr)
  • GreenFILE (8gh)
  • Grove Music Online (edsomo)
  • HathiTrust (edshtl)
  • hbz-Verbundkatalog (edshbz)
  • IEEE Xplore Digital Library (edseee)
  • IMF eLibrary (edsimf)
  • Industry Studies Working Papers (edsupi)
  • JSTOR Journals (edsjsr)
  • K10 Plus (edsgvk)
  • Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender Online (edskdg)
  • Latin American Open Archives Portal (edslao)
  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (lxh)
  • LUNA Commons (edsluc)
  • Manuscriptorium Digital Library (edsman)
  • MEDLINE (cmedm)
  • Minority Health Archive (edsuph)
  • MLA Directory of Periodicals (kah)
  • MLA International Bibliography (mzh)
  • Munzinger Online (edsmun)
  • Musik  in Geschichte und Gegenwart (edsmgg)
  • NASA Technical Reports (edsnas)
  • Naxos Music Library (edsnol)
  • Newswires (nsm)
  • Nexis Uni (edslex)
  • OAIster (edsoai)
  • OECD iLibrary (edsoec)
  • Open Dissertations (ddu)
  • Open Research Library (edsors)
  • Oxford Bibliographies (edsobb)
  • Oxford Handbooks Online (edsoho)
  • PhilSci Archive (edsupp)
  • Project MUSE (edspmu)
  • PsycArticles (pdh)
  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (pbh)
  • PsycINFO (psyh)
  • PSYNDEX: Literature and Audiovisual Media with PSYNDEX Tests (pdx)
  • Regional Business News (bwh)
  • Research Starters (ers)
  • RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (ram)
  • RÖMPP Online (edsrom)
  • RSWBplus (edsrsw)
  • Sage Knowledge (edsskl)
  • Science Citation Index (edswsc)
  • ScienceDirect (edselp)
  • Scoap3 (edscop)
  • Scopus® (edselc)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (edswss)
  • Springer Nature eBooks (edssjb)
  • Springer Nature Journals (edssjs)
  • Springer Materials (edssmt)
  • SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository (edsgso)
  • Statista (edstis)
  • Supplemental Index (edo)
  • SveMed+ (edssmd)
  • SZ LibraryNet (edssvl)
  • TEMA (edstem)
  • The Nation Archive (DFG) (dfn)
  • The New Republic Archive (DFG) (dfg)
  • Torrossa (edstor)
  • TOXNET TOXLINE (edstox)
  • TOXNET: CCRIS (Chemical Carcinogenesis Reasearch Informati System) (edsccr)
  • TOXNET: GENETOX (Genetic Toxicology Data Bank) (edsgtx)
  • TOXNET: HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank) (edshsd)
  • Unpaywall (edsupw)
  • USPTO Patent Applicati s (edspap)
  • wiso (edswis)
  • World Affairs Online (edswao)
  • World Bank eLibrary (edswbe)

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