Initial information for university lecturers

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the Branch Library Emmy Noether Campus (ENC) will be closed due to illness. We ask for your understanding.

The university library as an information and service center provides the academic staff and the students of Siegen University with literature for studies, teaching and research.

Library sites

Siegen University Library is an one-track library system and therefore the only library of the university. The holdings are placed according to the faculties at four sites so that all faculties have direct access to relevant literature.

Main Library Adolf-Reichwein-Straße (AR)

  • Linguistics and Literary Studies
  • Mathematics / Natural Sciences
  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2, 57076 Siegen
Phone: 0271/740-4563,
Opening hours

In the Main Library you find in addition:

  • the book processing departments
  • the offices of the subject specialists
  • the library management
  • the Central Information (Phone:0271/740-4203,
  • the interlibrary loan department (Phone: 0271/740-4262,
  • a workstation for the blind and visually impaired

Branch Library Emmy-Noether-Campus (ENC)

  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Walter-Flex-Straße 3, Building D, Floor 4
Phone: 0271/740-3519,
Opening hours

Branch Library Hölderlinstraße (H)

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • History, Music and Theology

Hölderlinstraße 3, Floor 4, Building C
Phone: 0271/740-3134,
Opening hours

Branch Library Paul-Bonatz-Straße (PB)

  • Architecture, Town Planning
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11, Building A
Phone: 0271/740-2108,
Opening hours

Branch Library Unteres Schloss (US)

  • European Documentation Centre (EDZ)
  • Law
  • Economics

Unteres Schloss 2, Building B
Phone: 0271/740-5171,
Opening hours

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Search tools

The whole library collection is listed in online catalogues.

  • Choose the Katalog plus for searching books/monographies and for searching journals.
  • Via the eResources you have access to the entire range of electronic information of the library. Thus are electronic journals, eBooks, electronic theses and a variety of bibliographic and fulltext databases.
  • Via the Subject information (in German) you have access to special information and search tools for single subjects.
  • All listed search tools are accessible via our Homepage, Search tools & Catalogues.

Literature, which is not in stock of Siegen University Library can be ordered via interlibrary loan from other libraries. The service is free of charge for members of the university staff. Further information for interlibrary loan is provided in the geman-language flyer Fernleihe.

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Literature acquisition

The literature acquisition is carried out by the appropriate department of the library. Please address your purchase suggestions to the subject librarians – your contact persons within the library.
Please note: in some faculties suggestions are collected by library representatives and are passed on to the subject librarians.

Acquisitions can be financed by:

  • the subject contingent of the library budget
  • appointment funds
  • material budgets of the faculty (separate formulars are available in the faculties)
  • third-party funds

Please specify the resources when making a purchase suggestion.

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Library card

To borrow media, to place reservations and orders with interlibrary loan and to use the internet at any PC workstation in the library you need a library card, which can be requested with an application form. Please hand in your application together with a valid identity card and a certificate, that you work at the university at one of our circulation desks – generally you can pick up the library card for academic staff on the following working day.

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Due dates

The library grants the academic staff of the university expanded loan conditions. The loan period for borrowable media is generally 180 days; it can be reduced to thirty days, if a medium is reserved for an other customer. In this case you will receive a notice about the premature ending of the loan period by the library. Media of the non-circulation collection can exceptionally be borrowed for a short-term loan.

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In addition to the extended loan conditions the UB Siegen offers further services especially for lecturers.

Reference collections for academic staff
Professors and research assistants can arrange reference collections for permanently needed literature in their own office. The particular titles have to be financed with material or appointment funds of the departments. 

For installing this form of special loan send the necessary form (Antrag auf Einrichtung eines Arbeitsapparates ) printed and signed to the director of the university library. 

Wenn making a purchase suggestion for literature which should be financed with the material fund of the department please always enter the cost unit ("Kostenstelle") which should be used for the acquirement.

Reserve book collections
In reserve book collections lecturers may place literature/media for their courses for the duration of one semester. Please notice the following information: 

  •  Besides books and other media electronic fulltexts may be integrated into the reserve book collections considering the active copyright law. This can be articles from specialist journals, chapters from reference books or textbooks and other documents from your courses. Furthermore links to freely accessible and/or external documents can be inserted. 
  • With the form "Anforderung eines Semesterapparats" (Request a reserve book collection) your individual reserve book collection for a particular course can be arranged.
  • The university library organizes the necessary provisions, particularly the scanning of articles or the integration of existing electronic fulltexts (e.g. eBooks) and provides the contents via the learning management system Moodle. Physical media (Books, DVDs) are placed -as before- in the library. 
  • It is recommended to request the reserve book collection a few weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. Then there is enough time to reserve borrowed books or order new titles for the library.
  • If you wish other periods for your reserve book collection or plan courses with similar contents for the following semester, please contact the staff of the library betimes.

For further information contact
Leah Hermann
Anna Koshy
Michaela Kruth

Main Library Adolf-Reichwein-Straße (AR) / Room 029,
Phone: 0271/740-4260,

Electronic Publishing - OPUS Siegen
With the publication- and documentation server OPUS Siegen the library enables the members of the university to publish documents free of charge The university library observes the accepted quality standards and offers an advisory service for the electronic publishing of your documents. 

Documents, published via OPUS Siegen are professionally indexed with metadata and are therefore searchable via national and international search engines. Furthermore OPUS Siegen guarantees the permanent archiving of you documents.

For further information contact
Dr. Nikola Korb
Main Library Adolf-Reichwein-Straße (AR) / Room 110, 
Phone: 0271/740-4265,

Guided tours and training courses
In the context of sophisticated Training courses the University library imparts necessary skills for effective information research step-by-step.

Lecturers may integrate single courses of the library into their lectures as needed.
Furthermore the subject specialists of the library offer special training cources for subject-specific topics and search tools.

For further information please contact

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Contact persons

  • Main Library Adolf-Reichwein-Straße (AR), Central Information, Phone: 0271/740-4203,
  • Branch Library Emmy-Noether-Campus (ENC), Phone: 0271/740-3519,
  • Branch Library Hölderlinstraße (H), Phone: 0271/740-3134,
  • Branch Library Paul-Bonatz-Straße (PB), Phone: 0271/740-2108,
  • Branch Library Unteres Schloss (US), Phone: 0271/740-5171,
  • Business Administration, Economics, Business informatics, German and European Economic Law, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
    Dipl.-Kff. Karoline Braun, Tel.: 0271/740-4231,
  • English studies and Romance studies, Psychology, Theology, Politics, Sociology
    Ronja Gottschling, Tel.: 0271/740-4368,
  • European Documentation Center (EDZ), Siegerland Collection
    Dipl.-Kfm. Christian Hausknecht, Phone: 0271/740-4254,
  • Architecture, Town-planning, Geography, Sports
    Dipl.-Ing. Anja Jäger, Phone: 0271/740-4271,
  • Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine
    Dr. rer. nat. Nikola Korb, Phone: 0271/740-4265,
  • Music, Arts, German studies, Linguistics and literary studies, History
    Lena Vinnemann M.A. (LIS), Phone: 0271/740-4224,
  • Media studies, Education, Social pedagogy and social work, Philosophy, Mathematics
    Dr. phil. Bastian Weiß, Phone: 0271/740-4285,

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